Patch repair is a common task for homeowners and DIYers. It’s an essential maintenance skill that can help you save money on expensive repairs or remodels, as the cost of patch kits is usually much lower than hiring a professional. Let’s discuss the basics of patch repair, so you can get started today!

Gather Your Supplies

The first step in patch repair is to gather all the necessary supplies. You will need a drywall patch kit, which typically includes a metal mesh patch, joint compound, putty knife, sandpaper, and other tools that may be specific to your kit. Make sure you have all your supplies before beginning the job so you don’t have to stop in the middle and risk messing up your work.


Prepping the Hole

Once you have your supplies gathered, it’s time to prep the hole for repair. This involves cleaning out any debris in the hole with a vacuum cleaner or brush before applying a layer of joint compound to even out any rough edges around it. Once this is done, you can place your metal mesh patch over it and secure it with drywall screws. You will want to make sure that your metal mesh patch is slightly larger than the hole itself; this ensures that there won’t be any gaps when it comes time to cover up the hole with the joint compound.


Covering Up the Hole

Now that your metal mesh patch is in place, it’s time to cover it up with a joint compound. Using a putty knife spread an even layer of joint compound over both sides of the metal mesh patch so that it covers the entire area surrounding the hole. Once this is done, allow it to dry completely before proceeding with further steps. After drying, sand down any excess joint compound until everything looks smooth again then paint over if desired; this will ensure that no one ever notices where there was once a hole! 


How to repair a large hole in drywall

Drywall holes can range from very small to quite large. Repairing a larger hole can seem like an overwhelming task, but it is a manageable project for the average home handyman. The first step is to measure the hole and cut a patch that is about 2-3 inches larger than the measured size of the hole in all directions. Next, attach the patch to something sturdy like a piece of scrap wood, and secure it in place using screws. Once ready, reattach the patch using joint compound, starting in the middle and gradually blending outwards before allowing it to dry completely. Finally, with sandpaper and primer, put the finishing touches on your work until you have repaired your drywall hole just like new!


Patch repair is an important skill for homeowners and DIYers alike as it allows them to save money by avoiding more expensive repairs or remodels from professionals. By following these steps you can quickly learn how to do basic patch repair yourself – just remember to make sure you have all your supplies gathered beforehand! With practice and patience, you should be able to tackle most home repair jobs involving holes in drywall on your own – good luck!