To analyze and predict inter-caste marriage in the Kundli, you need to know the planetary positions and astrological expressions. The planets in your Kundli and their relationships can predict the possibility of inter-caste marriage. It also tells how your life partner will be and how will be the relationship between you and them after marriage. Also, by understanding the importance of these details in your horoscope, you can easily find out the love marriage in the same religion.


The Luck of a relationship depends on many factors such as mutual support, appreciation, trust, personal space, and mental-physical compatibility. It depends on these factors whether a relationship is good or bad. By the way, most people believe that good relationships are only in dreams. This is also true to a large extent, as the increasing number of divorces and breakups in recent years seems to confirm this fact.


According to marriage prediction astrology, the 5th and 7th houses play a vital role in creating love marriage yoga in a Kundli. Apart from this, an analysis of the 8th or 11th house is also done to check the signs of marriage yoga in astrology. This yoga is positive for the native because when this yoga is formed in the Kundliof the native, can marry the person of his choice and lead a happy life with his partner.


The first thing an astrologer looks for while matching Kundli is the Gunas. At least 18 out of 36 Gunas should match for marriage. Planetary elements and combinations are studied in detail in each Kundli. For any alliance to be fruitful, the combination of two planets is very important. Venus decides the romance and compatibility between the couples, while the Moon determines how intense the relationship will be. When Mercury is strong along with Venus and Moon, the relationship of the couple can become strong and happy.


Kundli important expressions for inter-caste love marriage


According to astrology, the 5th and 7th houses play an important role in creating inter-caste love marriage yoga in the Kundli. Apart from this, you can also check the astrological signs of love marriage in the Kundli in the 8th or 11th house.


Fifth house


The 5th house in the birth chart is a symbol of love, joy, and relationships. It is important to observe this during Kundli analysis for love marriage. If the lord of the fifth house is placed in the seventh house, there is a conjunction between them or there is a change in the position of the constellations in the fifth and seventh houses, then the native may have a love marriage.


Seventh House


The seventh house is called the marriage house. Through this, you can know in detail about marital bliss, sexual compatibility, and the marriage of the couple. The position of the planets and their relation to the 7th house or its lord can be known.


Eighth house


The eighth house is associated with in-laws, married life, and physical proximity. In this sense passion and love in marriage have their real importance. Apart from this, the planets and constellations in this house represent secret powers, due to which there is a possibility of your love marriage in the Kundli. Thus, the more planets in this house, the more complex your relationship with your partner.


Eleventh house


This gesture is a symbol of friendship. There will be emotional relations or the strength of your relationship can be clear by looking at all the eleventh houses. Planets in the eleventh house, transits, and their conjunction with other houses cause love marriage in the Kundli.


Important planets for intercaste love marriage in Kundli


The yoga of love marriage in the Kundli is formed due to many planets such as …


Venus Planet


Venus is considered a symbol of love. At the same time, this planet is also a symbol of female energy. Along with this, this planet significantly affects the love life of the native. Sexuality, attraction, and social attraction are all governed by this planet. Also, the position of Venus and its coordination with the planetary lords augurs well for love marriage.


Mars Planet


Mars is the planet of enthusiasm, activities, passion, sexuality, bravery, and assertiveness. According to love marriage astrology, the planet Mars determines your love interests and inclinations. If it is not in a favorable position in the Kundli, it causes Mangal Dosha. The conjunction of Mars and Venus reduces the chances of a love marriage.


Rahu Planet


Rahu is a planet with notorious powers. Its place is very important for astrological predictions regarding inter-caste love marriage. The relation of Rahu with the seventh house in the Kundli causes illicit relations. If Rahu is in the ascendant and Jupiter aspects the seventh house, then there is no problem in the love marriage of the native.


Moon Planet


Moon is the symbol of your intelligence. The bad position of the Moon in the Kundli leads to stress and a pessimistic outlook. If the moon is favorable, then the person gets happiness, enthusiasm, and mental peace. According to astrology, Moon is a major factor in a man’s Kundli when considering a love marriage. Saturn aspected by Moon causes a delay in marriage.


Mercury Planet


Mercury is called the planet of communication. If you want to marry the person you love, then the Mercury-Venus conjunction in the 5th or 7th house can help you.


For what reasons love marriage yoga is formed in the Kundli 


Whenever we love someone, there is a desire in our mind that this person should become our life partner or a life partner. According to astrology, the mutual conjunction of planets gives a clear indication of this. Let us know about those combinations, alliances, and changes that are made in the Kundli of the native, due to which the love marriage of the native takes place:


Fifth And Seventh House


If there is a correlation between the fifth and seventh houses of the Kundli, then love marriage is easy.

If the lord of the fifth house is situated in the seventh house or the lord of the seventh house is situated in the fifth house, then love marriage takes place.


Fifth, Eleventh, Or Seventh House


The conjunction of Rahu and Venus in the Kundli, especially in the fifth, eleventh, or seventh house, is a clear indication of a love marriage.

The position of Mars and Venus in the ascendant or seventh house can also give rise to love marriage.


Venus and Moon


Venus and Moon being together or expecting or transiting each other is also a love marriage.

At the same time, after marrying each other, these people become each other forever.

Thus we can say that the effect of Venus, Moon, and Mars on the Ascendant house, fifth house, seventh house, and eleventh house of the Kundli leads the person towards love marriage.


Rahu and Venus


At present, due to the position of Rahu and Venus, love marriage can happen.

This also happens because all three Nakshatras of Rahu come under the Kama Trikon and the placement with Venus makes a person ready to do anything for love.

The attraction of Venus and Mars increases love.

Where Mars gives energy, Venus promotes the feeling of love.

In this way, the people move towards love marriage by getting bound in mutual physical attraction towards each other.

If the ascendant lord of the Kundli i.e. ascendant lord is related to the fifth house and the fifth house lord is related to the seventh house, then there is a good possibility of love marriage. Also, this marriage lasts for a long time.


Venus and Moon


If Venus and the Moon are situated in each other’s house by being the fifth lord and seventh lord and making a relation with the Lagna, then even if there is a relation between the Lagna and the triangle, the love marriage of the native takes place.

If the lord of the seventh house in the birth chart is more powerful than the lord of the ascendant and is situated in the Navamsa of an auspicious planet, then the person with whom he does a love marriage belongs to a higher family.


seventh and fifth, ninth


Even if the seventh lord and the fifth lord are located in each other’s constellation in the Kundli, then also the chances of a love marriage can be formed.


If the conjunction of the fifth house and the seventh lord is in the fifth house, eleventh house, Lagna house, or seventh house, then it also creates a situation of inter-caste love marriage. In this situation, the inter-caste love marriage of the native lasts for a long time.

If Venus is aspected in the fifth house or Moon is aspected by Venus, then such love starts secretly and then progresses slowly.

If Rahu is related to the fifth or seventh house or conjunct with Venus, then love marriage takes place. Also, such a marriage can be an inter-caste marriage.


Reasons for not getting a Love marriage in Kundli


To witness the love and then experience its failure is the most terrifying experience. Sometimes you get married to the person you love, but later have trouble living together. Let us know what are the conditions due to which the love marriage may fail in the Kundli.


Venus House


If there is a love marriage yoga in the Kundli, but there is an aspect or relation of inauspicious planets on the seventh house, then there is a lot of problem in a love marriage. Even after getting married, the person has to make a lot of effort to run that marriage.


Fifth House


If the lord of the fifth house in the Kundli of the native goes to the eighth house and goes in a debilitated sign, then the native gets cheated or there is a problem in love relations due to the deeds of the previous birth. Because of this, love marriage does not happen.

Sometimes love marriage happens due to yoga, but the person does not get happiness from the life partner.


Sixth and Eighth House


Even if love happens due to some reason, then problems remain even after a love marriage.

If exalted Venus is situated in the seventh house of the Kundli or Rahu is situated along with Venus, then the native gets married. But after that, the marriage of the native may fail due to extramarital affairs.

If the lord of the fifth house and the seventh house is in the sixth house, eighth house, or twelfth house in the Kundli of a person and they are affected by malefic planets and they do not have a good relationship with any auspicious planet, then there will be obstacles in love life. Will come Due to this there may be a rift in the love relationship and they may have to leave their love in life.

If malefic planets are strong in the eleventh house and ambition house of the Kundli, then there are problems in marriage. Due to this, the lovers go away from each other forever.




At present, where young men and women are working shoulder to shoulder in every field, it has become common to have an attraction towards each other and when this attraction takes the form of love, it is not known. In such a situation, love marriage is no longer a matter of surprise, day by day love marriages are increasing day by day, but the sum of love marriages is being made in the birth chart, then only love marriage will happen or not. Many times love relationships also break, so before inter-caste marriage, through online astrology consultation, you can know the Kundli matching and planet positions for your love marriage so that there is no hindrance in your love marriage.