CPAP machine

You do have a CPAP machine and are probably eager to find out how your CPAP machine reacts if you slowly stop breathing. Majority of the sleep apnea patients have made CPAP their daily companion so that they can enhance their lifestyle. Although, if you are a newbie to CPAP therapy, then are much more interested in learning how your CPAP machine will react if you stop breathing. Here I will discuss with you how your CPAP machine will react in response to your stopped breathing. 

Continuous positive airway pressure therapy is among the widely used medium to acquire treatment for sleep apnea disorders. Sleep apnea tends to cause interruptions in their breathing, while an individual sleeps as sleep apnea causes a hindrance in the airway canal or creates a temporary blockage in that canal. The CPAP machines function with a stable flow of natural room air toward your nose and mouth while enabling the airways to keep open and breathe properly at the same time. 

How Does A CPAP Machine Work When You Stop Breathing?

The key notice of your CPAP machine is to deliver your body the continuous flow of air to avoid blockage in breathing and make an end to your disrupted sleep. Now here lies an important question i.e., what will be the reaction of your CPAP machine if you gradually stop breathing? Firstly, the CPAP motor will create a pressurized air stream that flows from the air filter to the flexible tube. Your CPAP tube forces the purified air toward your CPAP mask, which is either sealed to your mouth or nose. All over the night, the airstream flowing out of your CPAP machine pushes against the blockages, while ensuring that the airways stay open and your lungs receive the required oxygen.

Signs That Your CPAP Therapy Is Not Working

CPAP therapy is more often regarded as a successful PAP therapy treatment, even though no treatment is perfect.  It is crucial to know the signs that indicate your CPAP machine is not working, and what should you need to do about it. While experiencing CPAP therapy, you should include only one CPAP pressure setting, throughout the night. You should use your CPAP pressure settings on the basis of what your doctor has prescribed. If your CPAP pressure setting is set too low, then you are much more likely to experience the symptoms of sleep apnea like gasping for air, snoring, etc. In contrast, if your CPAP pressure setting is set too high then you are much more likely to experience a frequent interruption in your sleep, nasal congestion, etc.