What Is Pilates | The Line Method
What Is Pilates | The Line Method

Anyone with a social media account has seen countless types of exercise classes. There’s TikTok’s Hot Girl Walk and Weighted Hula Hoop challenge. Facebook feeds are often inundated with the latest yoga apps. Or dance exercises that target people over 50. There’s no need to go wild with every single new workout you see. Sure, they look like fun to do. You might even want to change things up a bit with your workout. But why not go with a straightforward workout like Pilates?

Pilates is not an emerging fitness trend since it’s been around for almost a century. So what is Pilates? It’s a body conditioning workout created by Joseph Pilates. It was first used as a way to help dancers recover from injuries. Most are unaware of it but dancing can take a toll on the body. Dancers do repetitive motions for hours on end using the same muscle groups. Pilates was also used to help wounded World War I soldiers recover from their injuries.

Pilates is a low-impact exercise. You will perform several controlled movements. The exercises are repetitive and each one’s designed to flow into the next with precision. The routine incorporates gymnastics and yoga to give the individual a total workout. It targets core muscles like your abdominal and hip muscles. It can also give your gluteal muscles an intense workout. You can even skip leg day as it impacts your thigh muscles. Many people think it sounds like yoga. It’s easy to see why.