How to cancel LINE MUSIC! Can I cancel during the free period or not

Would you like to cancel your LINE MUSIC Premium plan after using it only for the free period? As it turns out, it is possible to cancel during the free period. However, the LINE MUSIC cancellation procedure is a bit complicated, so it is important to follow the steps and make sure you know how to do it properly. 24 hours before the auto-renewal payment is made, you must cancel your LINE MUSIC subscription. If you are worried about this, please make sure to complete the procedure well in advance.

Are you worried about not being able to cancel your LINE MUSIC Premium free trial before it ends tomorrow? The cancellation process for LINE MUSIC can be a bit complicated. The method of cancellation depends on how you signed up, and it can be confusing to determine which method to use. In this article, we will help alleviate your concerns of “What if I can’t cancel?” By going through each step, we can ensure that you won’t miss the cancellation deadline and avoid unnecessary charges.

Four ways to cancel LINE MUSIC

1. Cancel through the LINE MUSIC app:

– Open the LINE MUSIC app and tap on your icon.

– Click on “My Ticket/Shop.”

– Tap on “My Ticket.”

– Click on the link for “Plan Management.”

– Click on “Cancel Premium Plan” for LINE MUSIC.

2. Cancel LINE MUSIC on iPhone:

– Open the Settings app on your iPhone.

– Tap on your Apple ID account.

– Click on “Subscriptions.”

– Cancel LINE MUSIC subscription.

3. Cancel LINE MUSIC on Android:

– Open the Google Play Store.

– Tap on the menu bar.

– Go to Account Information > Subscriptions.

– Select LINE MUSIC.

– Click on “Cancel Subscription.”

4. Cancel LINE MUSIC on LINE Store (PC):

– Access the LINE STORE page.

– Log in to your LINE account from the top right corner of the screen.

– Go to “My Page” > “Purchase History” > “Plan Management.”

– Select “Cancel” next to LINE MUSIC.

Please note that simply deleting the LINE MUSIC app won’t cancel your subscription, so be careful. If you want to learn about lineミュージック 変更 裏ワザ, you can read this article.

How to check if LINE MUSIC has been cancelled properly

To confirm if LINE MUSIC has been successfully canceled, you can check through the LINE MUSIC app. Open the app, go to Icon > My Ticket/Shop > My Ticket. If the LINE MUSIC premium ticket is not marked as “In Use,” it means the cancellation was successful.

To terminate your membership with LINE MUSIC, there are two options: “Cancel” and “Withdraw.” Canceling refers to stopping the paid subscription of LINE MUSIC, while withdrawing means deleting the LINE MUSIC account itself.

To withdraw from LINE MUSIC, follow these steps:

– Open LINE MUSIC and click on your icon.

– Go to “Settings” and proceed to “Account.”

– Scroll to the bottom and click on “Withdraw from LINE MUSIC.”

– Confirm the terms and click “Continue” to cancel.

Please refer to the above instructions and make sure to choose the correct method for your preferred device.

What to do if you cannot cancel LINE MUSIC

If you are unable to cancel your subscription with LINE MUSIC, try the following methods:

  1. Confirm if you are cancelling from the source where you purchased the ticket.
  2. Check if your internet connection is slow.
  3. Restart your device, such as your smartphone or PC.
  4. Contact LINE MUSIC for assistance.

The most common mistake is attempting to cancel the subscription from a service that is not the purchasing platform for the premium ticket. For example, purchasing the ticket from the LINE Store but trying to cancel it through iPhone’s subscription, or making the payment through Google Play but attempting to cancel it through the LINE MUSIC app. When cancelling, always ensure that you perform the procedure on the platform where the payment was made.

Points to note when canceling LINE MUSIC subscription

Important for Android users who use carrier billing

Unlike iPhone, Android smartphones do not have centralized payment for subscriptions. Therefore, the cancellation method differs depending on whether you use Google Play billing or carrier billing. If you have Google Play billing, cancel the subscription from Google Play. If you have carrier billing, cancel the subscription from the LINE MUSIC app.

After cancellation, you can only listen to 30 seconds of songs

When you cancel the LINE MUSIC premium plan, you will automatically switch to the free plan. In the free plan, you can only play 30 seconds of each song, so be careful. Every song will stop playing automatically after 30 seconds. Additionally, note that you will only be able to set your profile background music and ringtone once a month.

Unavailability of download and karaoke scoring functions

LINE MUSIC offers benefits that are only available to premium plan subscribers. For example, if you cancel the premium plan, you will no longer be able to use the download and karaoke scoring functions. Also, you will not be able to change the sound quality when listening to music.

Listen to LINE MUSIC in full even after canceling it.

For those who don’t want to continue paying for LINE MUSIC but still want to listen to full songs, I recommend using MusicFab LINE MUSIC Converter software to convert and download music. Although the download destination is on your PC, you can save it as MP3 or M4A files and transfer them to your smartphone for playback.

MusicFab LINE MUSIC Converter is a specialized software designed for converting LINE MUSIC. It has a high success rate of 99% in bypassing LINE MUSIC’s copy protection, making it one of the top choices in the industry. It also stands out for its ability to save not only the song data but also the lyric data. You can also save ID3 tags, including artist names and playlist cover images, creating your personalized music library on your hard drive.

How to use MusicFab LINE MUSIC Converter

To use MusicFab LINE MUSIC Converter, simply launch the software and click on the LINE MUSIC icon. This will open LINE MUSIC in your browser, where you can log in. Play the playlist containing the songs you want to download, and then select the desired format and quality before clicking “Download Now.” Once the download is complete, the folder where you saved the files will automatically open. You can then try playing the downloaded songs.

Overall, MusicFab LINE MUSIC Converter provides a convenient solution for those who want to continue enjoying music even after canceling their LINE MUSIC subscription.


LINE MUSIC’s cancellation process is more complicated than other music streaming services. This is because the system is not a “register/cancel” system like most services, but rather a “buy a ticket” or “cancel” system for paid subscriptions. Please refer to this article to ensure that you cancel your LINE MUSIC subscription and avoid paying unnecessary money. We have also explained how to ラインミュージック ダウンロード at the end of this text, and we hope this helps.