Experiencing a roadside emergency can be stressful and intimidating, especially if you are unsure about what steps to take. This guide will provide a clear and concise step-by-step approach to handle such situations safely and efficiently. By following these steps, you can manage the emergency with confidence and reduce the risks involved. Remember, staying calm and prepared is key. Here’s how you can effectively handle a roadside emergency.

1. Assess the Situation

The first step in handling a roadside emergency is to assess the situation. This involves checking your surroundings and understanding the nature of the problem.

Check for Immediate Danger: Before doing anything else, ensure that you and your passengers are safe. Look for any immediate dangers such as oncoming traffic, fire, or unstable conditions.

Identify the Problem: Determine the issue with your vehicle. Is it a flat tire, engine trouble, or something else? Knowing the problem will help you decide the best course of action.

Remain Calm: It’s important to stay calm and composed. Panicking can lead to poor decisions and increased risk.

2. Move to a Safe Location

Once you have assessed the situation, the next step is to move your vehicle to a safe location, if possible.

Turn on Hazard Lights: Activate your hazard lights to alert other drivers that you are experiencing trouble. This helps to prevent accidents and improves visibility.

Pull Over Safely: If the vehicle is still operable, carefully pull over to the side of the road, preferably on the right side, away from traffic. Avoid stopping on a curve or in a spot with poor visibility.

Stay Inside the Vehicle: Unless there is a risk of fire or other immediate danger, it is usually safer to stay inside your vehicle with your seatbelt fastened until help arrives.

3. Call for Help

After ensuring that you and your vehicle are in a safe location, the next step is to call for help.

Contact Pomoc Drogowa: If you are in Poland or a region where Pomoc Drogowa services are available, call them for roadside assistance. Pomoc Drogowa provides reliable help for a variety of vehicle issues.

Notify Authorities: If the situation is severe, such as a major accident or if there are injuries, call emergency services immediately.

Use Roadside Assistance Services: If you have a roadside assistance plan through your insurance or an automobile club, contact them for help. They can assist with towing, tire changes, and other minor repairs.

4. Stay Visible and Safe

While waiting for help to arrive, it is crucial to stay visible and safe.

Use Reflective Triangles or Flares: Place reflective triangles or flares behind your vehicle to alert other drivers of your presence. This can prevent further accidents.

Wear a Reflective Vest: If you need to exit your vehicle, wear a reflective vest to increase your visibility to other drivers.

Stay Away from Traffic: Stand away from the road and traffic. If you need to exit your vehicle, do so on the side away from traffic.

5. Prepare for Assistance

Once you have called for help and taken measures to stay safe, prepare for the arrival of assistance.

Gather Necessary Documents: Have your driver’s license, vehicle registration, and insurance information ready. This will expedite the process when help arrives.

Describe the Problem Clearly: When speaking to the Pomoc Drogowa representative or roadside assistance, clearly describe the issue with your vehicle and your location. This helps them arrive prepared with the right tools and equipment.

Stay Informed: Keep your phone charged and available for updates or instructions from the assistance provider.

6. Know Basic Troubleshooting

While waiting for help, there are some basic troubleshooting steps you can take, if you feel confident and it is safe to do so.

Flat Tire: If you have a flat tire and know how to change it, you can attempt to do so. Make sure you are in a safe location away from traffic. Use a jack to lift the car and replace the tire with the spare.

Dead Battery: If your battery is dead, you might be able to jump-start your vehicle if you have jumper cables and another vehicle is available to assist. Connect the cables properly to avoid damage or injury.

Overheating: If your engine is overheating, turn off the vehicle and wait for it to cool down. Do not open the radiator cap while the engine is hot, as it can cause burns.


Handling a roadside emergency requires a calm and methodical approach. By assessing the situation, moving to a safe location, calling for help, staying visible, preparing for assistance, and knowing some basic troubleshooting, you can manage the situation effectively. Always remember that safety comes first. If you are ever unsure or feel unsafe, it’s best to wait for professional assistance from services like Pomoc Drogowa. Being prepared and knowing these steps can make a significant difference in how you handle roadside emergencies.