While tenant complaints are exhausting, you’re bound to face a few while handling your rental investment. Imran Aghair says that no landlord is spared from it since tenants are diverse and some of them are more sensitive. It is best to learn how to handle these disputes in order to keep renters happy and motivate lease renewals. Ignoring their criticisms can result in turnovers. Obviously, you don’t want to skip this situation, as a vacant house can cut your rental income. In this article, we will explore practical strategies to turn tenant grievances into opportunities.

Step 1: Be Available

Imran Aghair points out that, first and foremost, make sure your tenants know how they can reach out to you. Tell them the best ways to contact you, like by phone, email, or text. It’s also important to let them know when you’ll be available to respond. For example, you might say you’ll be around to answer calls or messages from 9 am to 6 pm on weekdays. This way, tenants know when they can expect to hear back from you. 

Making an emergency plan is also a smart idea. Let tenants know what kinds of situations count as emergencies and how they should contact you if something urgent comes up, like a burst pipe or a power outage.

Step 2: Listen to the Complaint

Make sure they know you are listening by nodding your head and maintaining eye contact. Let them know that you understand what they’re saying by repeating back what they’ve told you in your own words. This can help the tenant feel like they’re being heard and taken seriously. 

Avoid interrupting them while they’re speaking and give them a chance to explain the situation fully. Once they’re done talking, thank them for bringing the issue to your attention, and let them know that you’ll do your best to address it.

Step 3: Show Genuine Concern

When a tenant comes to you with a complaint, it’s important to show them that you care about their well-being. Even if you don’t agree with their point of view, try to empathize with their feelings and reassure them that you’ll do everything you can to resolve the issue. 

Avoid getting defensive or dismissive, as this can make the tenant feel like their concerns are being ignored. Instead, apologize for any inconvenience they’ve experienced and assure them that you’re committed to finding a solution. Let them know that their happiness and comfort are important to you and that you’ll work hard to make things right.

Step 4: Be Professional

Maintaining a professional demeanor means staying calm and composed, even if the tenant is upset or angry. Avoid getting drawn into arguments or taking things personally, as this can escalate the situation and make it harder to find a resolution. Instead, focus on listening to the tenant’s concerns and finding a way to address them effectively.

Imran Aghair advises you to keep your language polite and respectful and avoid using sarcasm or making personal attacks. Remember, your goal is to resolve the issue and maintain a positive relationship with the tenant, so it’s important to handle the situation with maturity and professionalism.

Step 5: Request as Much Information as You Can

Encourage them to describe the problem in detail, including when it started, how often it occurs, and any other relevant factors. This will help you understand the scope of the issue and come up with an appropriate solution. If the tenant is having trouble explaining the problem, ask clarifying questions to help them articulate their concerns more clearly. 

For example, you might ask if the issue is happening all the time or only at certain times of day, or if it’s affecting other areas of the property as well. By gathering as much information as possible, you’ll be better equipped to address the problem effectively.

Step 6: Respond to Complaints Quickly

Once you’ve gathered all the necessary information about the complaint, it’s important to take action quickly. Some issues, like leaks or broken appliances, may require immediate attention to prevent further damage or inconvenience to the tenant. In these cases, prioritize fixing the problem as soon as possible, even if it means calling in a repair person outside of regular business hours. 

For less urgent issues, like minor repairs or maintenance tasks, aim to address them within a reasonable timeframe, such as within a few days or a week. Keep the tenant informed of your progress and let them know when they can expect the issue to be resolved. This will help reassure them that you’re taking their concerns seriously and working to find a solution.

Step 7: Follow Up

After you’ve addressed the tenant’s complaint and resolved the issue, it’s important to follow up with them to make sure everything is okay. Reach out to the tenant via phone, email, or in-person to check in and see if they’re satisfied with the solution. Ask if there’s anything else you can do to help and let them know that you’re available if they have any further concerns. 

This simple gesture shows the tenant that you care about their well-being and are committed to ensuring their satisfaction. It also provides an opportunity to reinforce your positive relationship with the tenant and build trust for the future.


When landlords handle complaints well, everyone’s happier. So, be there for your tenants, really listen, and show you care. Stay cool, gather the details, and fix things fast. And don’t forget to check back in after. That way, you can build trust and make renting a positive experience for everyone. Let’s keep learning and improving, making our rental world a nicer place to live in.