How to Perform Wazifa to Break Someone’s Engagement

Today we will talk about a Powerful Wazifa to Break Someone’s Engagement whom we love and badly want to marry. They are getting engaged to someone else, due to the pressure of their parents. Their parents are forcing them to marry a stranger whom they don’t even know personally.

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  • First Make a Fresh Ablution.
  • You have to Perform this Dua after Maghrib Prayers.
  • Wear Clean Clothes and Find a Clean and Pak Place to Sit.
  • Now start reading Durood Sharif 11 times.
  • Finally, Read Fifty Times Surah Maryam Verse (47).
  • Again Read Durood Sharif 11 times
  • On Next Day after fajr namaz Recite “bismillaahir-rahmaanir-raheem” ten Times.
  • Dua to Stop Forced Engagement

You can perform this wazifa for 5 days. InshaAllah, you will get the result within a week.

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