Looking for the Ramadan Calendar in Multan? Discover a detailed guide with everything you need to know about Ramadan in Multan, including prayer timings, Sehr and Iftar schedules, and more.


Welcome to your ultimate guide to Ramadan in Multan! As the holiest month in the Islamic calendar approaches, it’s essential to prepare yourself spiritually and practically. Multan, with its rich cultural heritage and devout population, offers a unique experience during Ramadan. In this article, we’ll delve into the Ramadan calendar, providing insights, tips, and answers to frequently asked questions to ensure you make the most of this sacred time.

Exploring Ramadan in Multan

Ramadan in Multan is not just about fasting from dawn till dusk; it’s a time of spiritual reflection, community bonding, and charitable acts. The city comes alive with vibrant decorations, bustling markets, and the melodious call to prayer echoing from mosques across the city.

The Significance of Ramadan in Multan

Ramadan holds immense significance for Muslims worldwide, and Multan is no exception. Beyond the physical act of fasting, Ramadan is a time for self-discipline, empathy, and drawing closer to Allah. For Multan’s residents, it’s an opportunity to strengthen bonds with family and neighbors, engage in acts of charity, and seek forgiveness and spiritual rejuvenation.

Historical Context of Ramadan in Multan

Multan, known as the “City of Saints,” has a rich history intertwined with Islam. Its historical significance during Ramadan dates back centuries, with tales of spiritual leaders, Sufi saints, and cultural practices that continue to shape the city’s observance of the holy month.

Understanding the Ramadan Calendar

The Ramadan calendar serves as a roadmap for Muslims, outlining prayer timings, Sehr and Iftar schedules, and other essential activities throughout the month. Let’s explore the key components of the Ramadan calendar in Multan:

Sehr and Iftar Timings

One of the most critical aspects of the Ramadan calendar is the timing of Sehr (pre-dawn meal) and Iftar (breaking of the fast). In Multan, these timings may vary slightly from other regions due to geographical location and local customs. It’s crucial to refer to accurate calendars or consult local mosques for precise timings.

Taraweeh Prayers

Taraweeh prayers are special nightly prayers performed during Ramadan, typically after Isha prayers. In Multan, mosques organize Taraweeh prayers, allowing worshippers to come together and engage in prolonged acts of devotion and recitation of the Quran.

Special Events and Community Activities

Ramadan in Multan is not limited to fasting and prayers; it’s also a time for community gatherings, charitable initiatives, and special events. From communal Iftar gatherings to charity drives and religious lectures, there’s no shortage of activities to partake in during this auspicious month.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When does Ramadan start in Multan?

Ramadan in Multan usually begins with the sighting of the new moon, as per Islamic lunar calendar. However, it’s advisable to confirm the exact start date from local authorities or religious scholars.

How do I find accurate Sehr and Iftar timings in Multan?

You can find accurate Sehr and Iftar timings in Multan through various sources, including local mosques, Islamic organizations, mobile apps, and online websites dedicated to Ramadan calendars.

Can I engage in tourist activities during Ramadan in Multan?

While Multan offers numerous tourist attractions, it’s essential to be respectful of local customs and sensitivities during Ramadan. Many businesses may have adjusted operating hours, and certain activities may be less accessible during fasting hours.

What are some traditional foods to try during Ramadan in Multan?

Multan boasts a rich culinary heritage, with several traditional dishes enjoyed during Ramadan. Some popular options include Sajji, Doodh Dulari, and Multani Sohan Halwa, among others.

How can I contribute to charitable initiatives during Ramadan in Multan?

There are various ways to contribute to charitable initiatives in Multan during Ramadan, including donating to local mosques, participating in food drives, sponsoring Iftar meals for the less fortunate, or volunteering your time for community service projects.

Is it safe for tourists to visit Multan during Ramadan?

Multan is generally safe for tourists during Ramadan, but it’s essential to exercise caution and respect local customs. Avoid public displays of non-fasting behavior during fasting hours, and be mindful of cultural sensitivities when visiting religious sites or participating in community events.


As Ramadan approaches, the city of Multan prepares to embrace the blessings and spiritual significance of this sacred month. From the melodious call to prayer echoing across the city to the aroma of traditional delicacies wafting through the air, Ramadan in Multan is truly a unique experience. By following the Ramadan calendar, engaging in acts of worship, and embracing the spirit of community and charity, you can make the most of this auspicious time in Multan.