Today, many people are paying attention to their health and working hard to stay in good shape and health. After all, health is the real wealth, and good exercise and nutrition are the bridge that takes you to that wealth. 

For a few years, fitness apps continue to grow at an enormous rate. Fitness app was previously used to be found on the phones of fitness freaks, but these days, everyone realized the importance of fitness, especially after Covid.  So, such fitness apps have taken a permanent place in almost every smartphone nowadays.

This is why several companies and established fitness trainers have appreciated the concept of mobile apps and designed their apps to better serve their clients, and one such app is FitCoach which has been performing well in the fitness industry.

However, if you are looking forward to building a mobile app, like FitCoach, and planning to capture the market, then you’re in the right place. In this blog, we will talk in detail about how you can build your fitness app like FitCoach. 

The Need For Fitness Apps 

These days people are busy with their hectic schedules. They do not have either time or energy to go to the gym and work out at the end of the day. After a day-long work, they don’t feel like going to the gym.  And in some cases, people feel unguided during their training sessions as trainers and coaches are busy with other clients. They wish for a personal trainer who can guide them with their exercises and help them plan their diet too. 


To tackle all these types of scenarios, a fitness app developed by a fitness app development services provider can help you a lot. With the help of a fitness app, you don’t need to go to the gym. You can easily work out at home, either with body weight or with dumbbells with the help of the fitness app. And like situations in which you are clueless about your exercises as your trainers are busy with other clients, a fitness app can act as a personal trainer. 


You can feed your details with your fitness goals before,  and the fitness app will provide a customized workout plan. Some advanced fitness apps provide personalized diet plans too. You can follow those regimes and achieve your fitness and health goals. 


You can also get various features apart from workout and diet plans in a good fitness app. These features include timers, activity trackers, maps, reminder notifications, calorie counters, and many more. Let’s read about the features a good fitness app must have.


The Must-Have Features In Your Fitness App  

The necessary features your fitness should have are:- 

  1. Easy Mobile Onboarding- For quick registrations and log-ins. 
  2. User Profile Creation- for creating a profile. 
  3.  Punching In Workout Details- For tracking user’s activities.
  4. Quality Workout Guides & Videos – High-quality content for users to follow and perform workouts.
  5. Maps & Routes – To track routes of running, cycling, and other fitness activities.
  6. Real-Time Notifications- Notifications for offers, discounts, workout reminders, etc.
  7. Multi-App Integrations – To allow users to integrate their other apps, such as Music Streaming Apps, such as Spotify so that they can listen to their favourite music while working out. 
  8. Meal Planners & Calorie Counting – To allow users to plan their meals and track their calories. 
  9. Quality Workout Guides & Videos- Guides and videos for beginners to learn about exercises. 
  10. Workout Timers- This feature allows users to set time for their workout, their rest times in between the sets, etc. 
  11.  Workout Goals & Objectives- With this feature, users can set their fitness goals and work accordingly. This acts as a motivation factor for the users.
  12. Barcode Scanner – Users can use this feature to scan the products/groceries to know the nutritional values they are buying.
  13. Online Consultation – With this feature, your app users can receive personalized recommendations from experts. 
  14. Challenge a Friend-  With this feature, a user can call out his friend or group of friends for a fitness challenge. Challenging a friend can make the fitness journey more fun, and this way the user interaction with the fitness app will increase.  

Now that you know the features you must add to your fitness app, let us discuss the process of developing your fitness app. 

Process To Develop Your Fitness App

Your fitness app development journey consists of seven stages.  

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  • Competitor Analysis

The market is already flooded with many fitness apps. So, your fitness app must have something unique to offer to your users. You need to carry out an in-depth competitor analysis such as product designs and features, platforms, user reviews, etc. 

You can also read positive and negative reviews left by customers on the App Store and Google Play. This will help you in determining the advantages and disadvantages of your competition and how you can differentiate yourself from their backgrounds.

  • Target Audience Analysis

You can know about your customers’ questions and preferences by analyzing your rivals. Forums, groups, and other social networks can help you find your target audience.

Read their posts and comments and talk to them to find out what they need. By specifying goals like age, country, body shape, tracking physical activity, creating habits, or leading a healthy lifestyle, you can determine a user’s identity.

  • Prepare For Reference Conditions

Think about what your mobile fitness app can do, how it should look and function, how users will interact with it, and how much value it will provide to users. A top android app development company will always be happy to assist you if you face difficulty to specify your requirements. 

  • Design

A huge number of loyal clients are necessary for market success. Digital products with unappealing designs and sluggish content do not attract the majority of users. Therefore, you need to develop stunning fitness apps that provide amazing user experiences.

  • MVP Development

MVP, or minimal viable product, is a solution that only needs a small number of features to complete the required task. We recommend this strategy because it provides various advantages. 

To begin, it may be able to cut development costs for fitness applications. Second, it has a shorter time to market. Third, it will acquire initial users and gather feedback. Analyze customer feedback to determine what needs to be changed or improved.

By developing only the features that you need, you can engage your audience and avoid overspending.

  • Testing And Debugging

In this phase, Quality Assurance (QA) engineers check the fitness app for bugs and make sure it meets all of the requirements. The software developer then resolves all issues.

  • Release

In this phase, you can launch it in the market. You publish your fitness app to Google Play Store or the App Store. Here you deal with various things such as App Store Optimization (ASO), product screens, icons, and descriptions. 

Monetizing The Fitness Apps 

It is important to decide on the revenue model for your app during the development process of your fitness app. As per the top mobile app development company, after choosing the revenue model, then proceed with the development of your fitness app. 

The common monetizing strategies for fitness apps are: 

#1. The Freemium Model

In this strategy, your users can use the basic functions of the application free of charge. However, they will be charged for premium features. This type of monetizing model is also known as the premium subscription model. 

#2. In-App Purchases

In this strategy, you can offer in-app purchases in the form of customized workouts, diet plans, celebrity workouts etc. to your users. 

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#3. In-App Ads

You can partner with other companies to run ad campaigns in your workout app. For this, you can charge a fee per click or a particular number of clicks.

#4. Paid Apps

In this model, to begin using the application, users must purchase a subscription. Prices for apps can vary depending on the kind of subscription, the mobile platform, and the content in the app.

#5. Sponsored Content

Working with fitness and exercise professionals is one way this kind of business model works. Partners can use app user experiences to improve the app and distribute useful content here.

Take Away

This is the ideal time to invest in a fitness app development project. You only need to make a well-informed choice and envision the ideal combination of features, app type, and business module for you.

You need to keep your attention on the technical aspects, user feedback, and regular updates, and promote your app through the appropriate channel if you want it to last. You can get in touch with the best fitness and healthcare app development company to help you with this. Your fitness app would be able to assist many fitness freaks worldwide once it is completed.