27 Jul 2024

Category: Health


Black Seed Oil Natural Cure for You 

Black seed has nearly however many names as it has fixes. It is known in many cultures as the blessed seed, hubba sawda, black cumin, kalonji, schwarzcummel, or nigella sativa (botanical name). Using black seed oil every day strengthens the immune system, fights infections and…


Benefits of massage therapy 

The benefits of massage therapy can be applied from babies to the elderly. So what is a massage and what are its benefits?   A massage is a form of manual therapy, which manipulates the soft tissues of the body, mainly the muscles. It is…

Fitness, Health

Massage Center in Al Nahda 

For around 3,000 years currently, rub has been a fundamental constituent of the craft of mending. Think about the pharaohs of Egypt and the old Chinese who all did it – as we presently do it. Today, rub is delegated an elective treatment. Be that…


Chemotherapy And Your Eyes 

If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, it’s likely that you have a lot of questions about how your treatment will affect your health. Many people who go through chemotherapy find that their eyes suffer from the side effects of chemotherapy. Here, we’ll take a look…