28 May 2024

Category: Hospital

Health, Hospital, Medicine

What is PANS, and how is it treated 

Both of these conditions: PANS – Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome PANDAS – Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections Are autoimmune encephalopathies that result in extreme illness and complications by attacking the basal ganglia of the brain. These conditions are interlinked with each other. PANDAS is the title…

Doctor, Health, Hospital, LifeStyle, Medicine, Nature, News...

Benefits of bioidentical progesterone for postmenopausal women 

Throughout your fertile cycles, you feel a jump in progesterone every month following ovulation. Though, the function of progesterone exceeds fertility because it also benefits in regulating skin, sleep, attitude, thyroid function, and sexual desire. Conclusively, the abrupt decline in progesterone you encounter during menopause can impact your appearance…

Health, Hospital

Top 5 Countries for Knee Replacement Surgery 

Orthopedic therapies are a significant health concern in the majority of less fortunate areas of the world. Massive disparities in healthcare facilities, a scarcity of qualified physicians, the shortage of surgical instruments, and inaccessible and expensive medical implants all contribute to significant discrepancies in inpatient…

Doctor, Education, Health, Hospital, Medicine


What is Homeopathy? Homoeopathy is a method of natural medicine introduced and developed by a German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann, at the close of the 18th century. Recognizing that the entire person mind, body, spirit is changed when there is sickness, antidepressant seeks to deal with…


Preventive measures for hepatitis 

A variety of viruses, along with the hepatitis B virus, can trigger hepatitis. Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that induces it to expand. The very common factors are serious illnesses or medication side effects. Hepatitis is also pointed to as “yellow jaundice” because…

Health, Hospital, Medicine


MS, DNB, Fellowship in shoulder and elbow surgery (GER), Fellowship in shoulder surgery and sports injuries (Austria) Orthopedic Surgeon 7 Decades of Experience Introduction Dr Aditya Sai is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon specializing in arthroplasty, sports medicine and arthroscopy with particular interest in knee and…