17 Feb 2025

Category: Politics

Politics, Technology

Effect Of Investment Casting 

Impacts of speculation casting on the mechanical properties and microstructure of ZL210A amalgam at the as-projected, strong arrangement and matured state were examined and contrasted and those in sand shape casting and investment casting manufacturers in metal form casting. The exploratory outcomes show that the grain…


Pengertian Globalisasi 

Globalisasi adalah suatu proses di mana antarindividu, antarkelompok, dan antarnegara saling berinteraksi, bergantung, terkait, dan memengaruhi satu sama lain yang melintasi batas Negara. Globalisasi merupakan sebuah istilah yang memiliki hubungan dengan  peningkatan keterkaitan dan ketergantungan antarbangsa dan antarmanusia di seluruh dunia dunia melalui perdagangan, investasi,…


West Bengal Opinion Polls – EtG Research 

EtG Research One of the Best Political Survey Organizations In India. Now EtG Research Provides the latest political news for West Bengal Assembly Elections for Schedule, Candidate list, Exit Polls, Nominations, Results.  The Central Electoral Commission on Feb 26 released the West Bengal Assembly election…