03 May 2024

Category: Wedding


Christian Matrimony Canada 

Due to the high number of interracial marriages in Canada, finding a match can be a daunting task. There are many different ways that will allow you to search for Indian Christian matches for marriage in Canada. Each site has its own strengths and weaknesses….


Bhandari Matrimony 

It is an arduous task to find someone perfect for marriage, with whom you can spend the rest of your life can seem unattainable. Online Matrimonial sites are the most ubiquitous ways to find a perfect match for marriage which is more prevalent today. Despite…


Tamil Matrimony Site 

Finding a life partner can be a challenging task if you don’t know how to find a match on a matrimonial site. However, to make the task easier, the benefits of using matrimonial sites to find Tamil matrimonial brides/grooms profiles for marriage will help you…


Sikh Matrimony 

Are you looking for a partner who shares your faith? Then Sikh matrimony is an option. For people belonging to the Radha Soami Sikh faith, the options are limited especially if you want to find someone of your own age group or region. This means…

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Party Room比較 今夕何夜是首個以「重聚」為題的聚會場地,疫情來襲損耗了不少重聚時光,希望鼓勵未踏入 職場的您珍惜當下,已踏入職場的您與舊友重聚。 今夕何夜佔地達1,500呎,最多可容納40人,最適合搞大型Party!場地賣點是有多個打卡位 置!一個地方設有多個場景,從日系到未來風,體驗不同層次的美。場內遊樂設施極之豐富, 最包括自動麻雀機、PS4及Switch、氣墊球、專業Poker枱及近百款Board Game。而且場內飲品任飲,絕對物超所值!   地址:觀塘 查詢電話:6199 2549 收費: 低至每位HK$150/6小時(公眾假期期間收費或會調整,詳情請向商戶查詢) 預約訂金:50% 適合人數:最高40人   Laser Woods 森林迷宮 鐳射槍 Laser Woods是全港首創的「森林迷宮 鐳射槍對戰場地」,讓玩家於錯綜複雜的迷宮中對戰, 對戰將更為刺激。移動的板塊可讓玩家躲藏/ 改變戰術,大大增加遊戲的刺激度及可玩性。 Laser Woods於設計中亦盡顯心思,固名思義,進入Laser Woods彷彿步入了野外森林般,有 不同的植物。除了以森林為主題外,迷宮內更有不同種類的野外環境如:草原、沙漠、山洞等 等。 於對戰中更能看到不同的「動物」於對應的環境中!於煙霧彌漫的場地中,對戰更是生色不少。   地址: 葵興 查詢電話: 9341 5660 收費: 低至每位HK$250/1.5小時(公眾假期期間收費或會調整,詳情請向商戶查詢) 預約訂金:50% 適合人數:最高30人


Jain Matrimony United States 

Matrimonial sites are the simplest way to find the ideal soul mate and are able to provide the best matchmaking services to the young prospects, which help them find their ideal soul mate using the old and traditional matchmaking methods. On matrimonial sites you can…


Sikh Matrimony in Canada 

Marriage is an important part of life. This is basically a new start to life. The decision of marriage influences the whole journey of life, it should be right while being married to someone. Marriage is basically a bond between two individuals. Finding your life…


Saini Matrimony in Australia 

It is considered that the perfect matches are made in heaven and to meet these matches the matrimonial sites are the best way. Marriage is a very important decision in everyone’s life and it is an arduous task to find a perfect life partner easily….