17 Jun 2024

Cloud Platform Providers Make Use Of Python For Controlling Programs


The Dangers of Bath Salts 

  Bath salts are sold as a legal high, imitating the hallucinogenic and euphoric effects of cocaine and methamphetamine. They are also being marketed as a methylphenidate substitute and aphrodisiac. Some sources claim that bath salts have aphrodisiac properties and can even treat insomnia and…


What is a Bare Metal Hypervisor? 

A bare metal hypervisor is a type of virtualization software that runs on bare-metal machines or servers which are fully operational without any software. In other words, a bare metal hypervisor does not have its operating system, applications, storage devices, and so on stored on…


APLH Online Personal Licence Training Course 

What is a personal license holder? A personal license holder is an individual who has been authorized by a licensing authority to supply alcohol from licensed premises. The personal license holders will usually be the designated premises supervisor (DPS). A personal license allows the holder…