01 Jun 2024

Financial Planners Can Help You Invest and Save


Reasons to Modernize Applications Today 

The benefits of Cloud-based application modernization are many and varied. This article will explore the benefits of this new technology as well as how it can improve your business processes. From cost savings to increased productivity, modernization is the way to go. Whether your applications…


Key Guidelines for Home Decor 

There are minutes when you feel like your home style needs another dash of life. Pristine paintwork or a straightforward redesigning of furniture gets the job done. Little changes can give your space a totally new climate and go about as a power of revival…


What is r3 corda node and how does it work? 

R3 Corda is a distributed ledger technology that allows for efficient, secure and transparent operations of financial markets. R3 Corda is powered by the Ethereum blockchain and uses Hyperledger Fabric to provide an open, scalable platform for transaction reception desk and settlement. The network provides…