Did you know that commercial rug cleaning services offer more benefits than just a fresh, clean carpet? In fact, hiring a professional can provide several advantages for your business. Here are five of the top benefits:


1. A healthier workplace – Carpeting can harbor a lot of dirt and dust, which can be harmful to employees if not cleaned on a regular basis. Professional commercial rug cleaning services use powerful equipment and products to remove all the dust and debris from your carpets, leaving them looking and smelling fresh.

2. Improved air quality – Along with removing dirt and dust, commercial rug cleaners also get rid of allergens, pet dander, and other pollutants that can affect air quality. This means that employees will breathe easier an sufferd from fewer allergies or respiratory problems.

3. Extended carpet life – Regular professional cleanings will help extend the life of your carpets, as well as keep them looking newer for longer. Rugs that are not cleaned on a regular basis can become matted and worn, which makes them more difficult (and expensive) to replace.

4. Enhanced appearance – First impressions are important, and dirty, stained carpets can give customers and clients the wrong idea about your business. On the other hand, clean carpets send a message that you care about your company and are professional in every way.

5. Improved safety – Slips and falls are one of the most common workplace accidents, and they can often be prevented with clean rugs. Rugs that are not regularly cleaned can become slippery and dangerous, but those that are cleaned on a regular basis are much less likely to cause an accident.

As you can see, there are many benefits to having your rugs professionally cleaned on a regular basis. Not only will it create a healthier workplace, but it can also extend the life of your rugs and improve the overall appearance of your business. If you haven’t had your rugs cleaned in a while, now is the perfect time to call a professional rug cleaning service.


How to choose the right commercial rug cleaning service for your business?

Now that you know the many benefits of professional rug cleaning services, you may be wondering how to choose the right one for your business. Here are a few tips:

1. Make sure they offer the services you need – Not all commercial rug cleaners offer the same services, so it’s important to find one that can meet your specific needs. For example, if you have a lot of high-traffic areas that are prone to dirt and stains, you’ll want to make sure the company you choose offers deep cleaning services.

2. Ask about their experience – It’s important to find a company that has extensive experience cleaning commercial rugs. Be sure to ask about their qualifications and how long they’ve been in business.

3. Get quotes from several companies – Don’t just choose the first commercial rug cleaning company you find. Instead, get quotes from a few different companies so you can compare prices and services.

4. Check reviews – Before making your final decision, be sure to check online reviews to see what other customers have to say about the company. This can give you a good idea of what to expect in terms of service and quality.

Following these tips will help you choose the right commercial rug cleaning service for your business. Keep in mind that the investment you make in having your rugs cleaned will pay off in the long run by creating a healthier workplace and extending the life of your rugs.



A clean and healthy workplace is important for the well-being of your employees. Not to mention, a dirty office can be quite unsightly. If you’re looking for professional commercial rug cleaning services, look no further than Gem Rug Cleaning Perth. The team of experts will work diligently to get your carpets/rugs looking and smelling fresh in no time. Contact them today for a Express quote!