If you want to show your body but want to avoid surgery, Zerona Laser might be a good option for you. This procedure does not require surgery or provide temporary downtime for excellent, permanent results.


What Is the Zerona Laser?

Laser Zerona is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment that uses advanced laser therapy to remove fat cells. The laser is placed on the skin in a painful procedure.

Zerona is ideal for anyone who:

  • Wants to avoid liposuction or other surgical procedures.
  • Needs a treatment that won’t keep them away from work or other activities for an extended time.
  • Has several areas where they’d like to lose inches of fat.
  • Wants an option for body contouring that is safe, quick, and effective.


What is Zerona Z6?

Zerona is a non-invasive laser for fat loss. A multi-site clinical study conducted by Erchonia Zerona focused on the hip, hip, and thigh procedures. Laser Zerona is a low-level target that has been removed by the FDA for use in the following areas, such as arms, chest, knees, ankles, and back as fatty tissue. In the Zerona Z6 treatment, the client lies on both sides of the table for a better 20 minutes, while six lasers are placed in place.

  • 3.72 inches in 2 weeks*
  • Unattended Procedure
  • No Surgery | No Downtime | No Side Effects | No Risk


How does it Work?

Zerona uses laser therapy to penetrate through the skin and destroy fat cells. Once fat cells are destroyed, they can’t regrow. That means Zerona can offer permanent results.

It does this:

  • without harming the skin or underlying tissue;
  • in a simple, non-invasive treatment;
  • With a procedure that requires no recovery or downtime.

The laser is placed on the face or back. Then turn around and repeat the same treatment on your back or side. The number of treatments you receive depends on what your therapist decides is the best way to help you achieve your goals.

Zerona fat reduction uses cold laser technology. Also known as low-level laser technology, this procedure uses low-level light that doesn’t burn tissue but can safely penetrate fat cells to safely replenish excess fat. . After completing the Zerona treatment, you may notice a slight difference in how you feel. Many clients report experiencing a burning sensation due to the bio-stimulation process that begins in the adipose tissue.


What Does the Treatment Involve?

During the procedure, you are lying on your back for the first 20 minutes while the doctor places the Zerona laser on your body. The laser penetrates the fat cells and destroys them. After 20 minutes lie on your stomach so that the laser can attack the fat cells in your back. Fat cells are removed from your body during normal activity.


Treatment with the Zerona laser is easy, painless, and carefree.

In Zerona Laser Treatment for weight loss each session lasts less than an hour and the low-level laser is used for a total of 40 minutes. A laser beam is applied to the area, which is usually a combination of the waist, hips, and thighs for 20 minutes. The client then turns around and applies the same treatment to the other side. The minimum recommended treatment time is two weeks, with three full sessions per week.

Just lie down in a comfortable position, in a stable place, for 20 minutes and the laser does all its work. Since Zerona fat reduction uses cold laser technology, you can’t feel the effect. You may feel a little different and relaxed when you leave the treatment center for biostimulation in your body.

Four historical studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of laser emulsions in fat (water). A scanning electron microscope (SEM) and a transmission electron microscope were used to fabricate the test tissue. SEM and TEM images showed the degradation of glucose binding with laser imaging. The state of the adipocyte cells decreases during the emulsification process. Fat is removed from the cell and enters the extracellular space. The large size of the adipocytes increases the fatty area of ​​the subcutaneous tissue due to the accumulation of fat cells. ZERONA ® stimulates the formation of temporary pores in the skin of fat cells. The hole allows the fat to pass through the hole into the extracellular space. These images show the amplified laser energy in fat cells and large fat cells.


Is Zerona a Good Option for You?

Zerona is the best choice if you want a safe, fast and effective way to lose excess fat. It is also a good option if you are looking for a body part but don’t want to invest time and money in surgery.


To learn more about Zerona and discover if it can help you get the body you want, contact Urgentway Walk in Medical Clinic today. We are conveniently located in New York.