It is now more crucial than ever to review your credit card billing account. By doing this on a regular basis, you may safeguard yourself against fraud and billing mistakes that could have an adverse effect on your credit history and, more critically, your financial situation.

For instance, even if you believed you had terminated your internet service, your credit card was still charged for another time. Possible double charges for the same item. Alternatively, it is also possible that you were charged for a service or item you didn’t request.

What is a billing error in credit card?

An inaccurate or illegal transaction on a credit card statement is referred to as a billing error. This may happen for a number of reasons, such as a merchant error, a processing blunder, or an illegal third-party charge. Duplicate charges, inaccurate amounts, and charges for products or services that were not received are all examples of billing mistakes. It’s crucial to routinely monitor your credit card account and to immediately challenge any inaccuracies.

The Payment Card Networks Act in Canada provides consumers with protection from credit card billing problems. This law establishes guidelines for the security of customer data and the resolution of complaints involving credit card transactions. The statute mandates that financial institutions look into and promptly resolve any billing-related issues. Any unlawful or inaccurate expenditures that appear on a customer’s credit card account are subject to dispute, and the financial institution is required to look into the matter thoroughly before coming to a decision. Consumers can complain to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) or the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions if the disagreement is not addressed to their satisfaction (OSFI).

How to Dispute a Billing Error and Fraud Charges

In Canada, disputing a billing error or fraudulent payment on your credit card can be a difficult procedure, but you must take action to safeguard your financial interests. The procedures you can take to contest a billing error or fraud charge are as follows:

Review your statement

Pay close attention to your credit card statement and look for any erroneous or illegal charges. For each mistake or fraud charge, make a note of the time, sum, and name of the merchant.

Contact your card issuer

To report a mistake or fraudulent charge, call the customer support number located on the back of your credit card. As you describe the problem, including any information you have learned regarding the alleged error or fraud.


If asked, give your card issuer any supporting records (such as invoices or emails) that could support your claim.

Follow up

Verify that your card issuer is handling your dispute and that you have given them all the relevant information by contacting them again.

Think about making a complaint

If your issue is not handled to your satisfaction, you could think about submitting a complaint to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) or the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI).

Monitor your account:

Continue to keep an eye on your account to make sure that any fraudulent or erroneous charges have been eliminated and that your account balance is accurate.

When disputing a billing error or fraud charge, it’s important to respond quickly to reduce the possible damage on your credit score and financial condition. By taking these actions, you can contribute to your rights’ protection and hasten the issue’s resolution.

Are You Looking for Help With Your Unsecured Debts, Including Credit Card Debt?

National Debt Relief Services can assist you if you have unsecured obligations totaling more than $10,000, including credit cards, personal loans, car loans, taxes, CERB, HST, 407, household bills, payday loans, and student loans.

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Learn more about Debt Relief Program Service in Canada and get a FREE consultation!