27 Apr 2024

Category: Health



We tend to overlook the most basic conveniences of life in this age of smartwatches and home automation. However, it takes only a weekend camping trip for us to remember how wonderful simple things like running water and showers really are. There is no better…


School Physical Exams For Little Ones 

School physical It measures important vital signs (body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate) and evaluates the body by observation, movement, percussion, and auscultation. Observation involves observing the eyes, ears, nose, and throat with an instrument.   What is a simple physical examination? A physical examination…


Does a hair transplant transmit a scar? 

One of the most common questions top hair transplant doctor in india receive during consultations is about scarring from hair transplant surgery. It is understandable. This is understandable. Hair restoration is elective and people don’t want to be scarred by a procedure that improves their…


Best Crystals for Stress and Anxiety 

Do you often get anxious? Are you feeling moody, agitated, stressed, and overwhelmed? Are you having difficulty relaxing and quieting your mind? Well, you are not alone. Nearly 13% or 2.4 million Australians aged 18 and over reported high levels of distress of some kind….