27 Jul 2024

Category: Health


All you need to know about an oncologist 

What exactly is an Oncologist? Oncology is a part of science of which deals with tumors and cancers. Onco means bulk, mass, or growth, while logy implies study. An oncologist, sometimes called a new cancer specialist, is a physician or surgeon that specializes in typically…


Five Things to Know About Human Factors 

Human factors aim to create and improve equipment, products, machines, and environments to complement human capabilities and maximize safety and performance. Within an organizational space, human factors extend beyond individual employees to cover different aspects of the workplace. It studies interrelated elements and behaviors to…


Foot Injuries Due to Martial Arts 

Martial arts is an excellent form of self-defense or sports that requires strength, mobility, and determination. Participants have to undergo several rigorous training sessions to master the art. The training is different from mainstream sports.  Due to heavy training sessions, the risk of injury is…

Fitness, Health

Massage Therapy As a Career 

Have you been considering receiving rub down remedy schooling? The hobby in rub down remedy, in addition to its recognition as a reputable restoration form, has grown fantastically withinside the final numerous years. Years in the past rub down could deliver up visions of questionable…


Home Remedies for Oily Acne-Prone Skin 

Acne-prone skin is naturally oily because of profuse sebum production from sebaceous glands. Sebum is considered good for your skin and hair but people with oily skin need to reduce its production to prevent the formation of acne and pimples. If you are planning to…


5 Ways To Reduce Anxiety At Night 

Do you find yourself going to bed after a long day, hoping to catch a restful night of sleep, but staying awake for hours as a thousand worrying thoughts run through your head? Stressful situations in life bring worry, nervousness or dread, and everyone experiences…