03 Jun 2024

Can You Give Money Instead of Qurbani?


How to Get Rid of Love Problems 

How to Get Rid of Love Problems Love is a beautiful yet complex journey filled with ups and downs. When faced with relationship problems, it’s natural to seek guidance on navigating through the challenges and finding a resolution. In this article, we’ll delve into effective…


Company Registration in Turkey 

Overall, this article will explore the company establishment in turkey and establishment of a company in Turkey under the Turkish regulatory framework. The present work is designed as a handbook for investors including foreigners. The establishment of a corporation in line with law involves a set…


Space, Society, and Hospitality 

Space, humanity and hospitality: this is quite a lens through which Hospitality Industry explore the relationship between human being’s culture and society. Space refers to the physical area in addition to the environment we create in that surroundings, for example: it can be a park,…


The Ultimate Guide to Carpet Cleaning 

Carpet cleaning is an essential household task that ensures your home remains a healthy and comfortable space. Carpets can accumulate dust, dirt, and allergens over time, affecting the indoor air quality and overall hygiene. In this ultimate guide, we’ll delve into the best practices for…