29 Apr 2024

Category: Art


How to wear long pearl necklace 

A necklace of pearls exudes sophisticated simplicity. The one thing that all of the most stylish ladies in history had in common was their adoration of pearl necklaces. Pearls are a trademark accessory for everyone from royalty to timeless fashion icons. A pearl knot necklace…


What are the possible mechanisms behind brain fog? 

Many people continue to have cognitive problems post-COVID-19. Even people with mild symptoms can develop Long problems with attention, concentration, and memory. Many cancer patients experience something similar during or after chemotherapy, often referred to as “chemo brain” or “chemo fog.” Chemical fog has been…


SJ Auctioneers’ Online-Only Auction, December 11 

SJ Auctioneers’ Online-Only Auction on Sunday, December 11th, Features Items That are Perfect for Holiday Gift-Giving Brooklyn, NY, USA, December 5, 2022 — SJ Auctioneers will bid farewell to 2022 with an online-only auction that’s packed with 271 lots of rare jewelry, paperweights, glass art…


Relationship between long covid brain fog and other diseases 

COVID-19 has led to unprecedented mortality and morbidity with devastating consequences worldwide. The acute manifestations of long covid brain fog, including respiratory and multisystem involvement, are of great concern to physicians. However, the Long effects of the coronavirus have many patients battling chronic symptoms ranging…

Art, Design

Cheap Logo Design UK 

Affordable Logo Design If you are one of the people who are willing to spend money to create a logo design, then you might have applied for the logo design award competition. After looking at the logos presented by the finalists, we can say that…


Compelling Benefits of Utility Patent Drawings 

If you invent a product, discover or bring minor improvements in existing products, then the best utility patent drawings are what you need to protect your discovery. The products of your inventions can be machines, the process itself, or the manufacturing units.  Many types of a patent…