17 Feb 2025

Category: Education


DevOps Certification 

DevOps is a term for a group of concepts that, have catalyzed into a movement and are rapidly spreading throughout the technical community. I propose this definition as a term that emerged from the collision of two major related trends. The first was also called…

Education, News, Technology


PhoneGap is a commonly used mobile app creation network technology. Nitobi Software has developed this open-source mobile device creation sense (now Adobe). It helps developers to create HTML, JavaScript, and CSS applications. Phonegap online training will help you in learning more about this technology. Why…


Elements of a Spark Project 

Elements of a Spark Project A Spark project comprises different elements such as: Spark Core and Resilient Distributed Datasets or RDDs Spark SQL Spark Streaming Machine Learning Library or MLlib GraphX Let us now speak in-depth about each element. Spark Core and RDDs: The basis…