01 Jun 2024

How to know the common sense of Chinese printing?


Turkey Visa for Chinese Citizens 

China citizens can apply for a Turkey Visa through the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Istanbul. The Embassy will examine the visa application and take into consideration the laws and regulations of the Republic of Turkey. In determining whether you are eligible…


Best 3D Modelling Software in 2022 

Introduction If you want to improve your CG talents and produce work that stands out from the crowd, you’ll need the greatest 3D modelling software. Knowledge of some of the most often used tools can also help you gain a job in this competitive and…


Why Advertise on Amazon 

Although the figures in terms of advertising revenue are far from comparable, Amazon has positioned itself, surpassing Twitter, as the third most important advertising platform in the world behind the giants Google and Facebook. This growth has not ended and, as can be seen in the following graph provided by…


Tampa Home Inspector Near You 

How to Select Tampa Home Inspector Buying a home is an exciting and memorable experience, but it also requires careful planning and preparation. From deciding on the right mortgage company to understand the process of buying a home, to picking out your new dream home,…



客戶管理系統的優勢在哪邊?客戶管理一職以來都是許多老闆或是主管面臨到的最重要問題之一!究竟該如何管理客戶才可以最有效率的讓所有客戶成為忠誠客戶!用戶可以藉由crm系統來管理客戶!如果今天客人多半是藉由line來管理客戶!則商戶可以考慮藉由line crm來管理目前的客戶!而客戶管理系統目前也是有推出line crm來協助商戶管理!