26 Apr 2024

Growth investing

Business, Finance

Growth investing 

Growth investing enthusiasts search for $100 stocks that could be worth $200 in the near future. The only conditionality is that the company has to keep on growing in the meantime. The success of such an investment depends on the expansion of the company. The…


Elements of guide 

Easy to use, easy to truly zero in on, gives easy-to-use reference when accumulated into a chartbook, can show the entire surface or a tiny bit of peace of the Earth, can show a ton of detail, and can cover a wide extent of subjects…


Donation coordination and coordination 

The gradual emergence the organ transplantation process as a therapeutic tool led to an evolution of the organizational structure and a global approach to managing transplantation. The concept as a transplant coordinator came into being in the late 1980s. In Spain in the year 2000,…